Be Revived and Live ALIVE

I am being so challenged this week. And it’s a spiritual challenge. Our church is in revival, so there are the expectations that go along with any revival. You know, that we would be revived, that our church would be revived, that our country would be revived – that is to say – that we (the church) would WAKE UP and take our salvation seriously. That we would change. To revive something is to “restore to life or consciousness; to activate or set in motion”. So the opposite of revive is to be dead or unconscious or motionless. Which one are you? Are you dead or alive? Conscious or unconscious? Believers, Christ already died so we could LIVE… Romans 6:11, “…count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” What are you living for or dying for? You are most certainly going to die one day but only in the flesh. Our spirits will live forever, in one place or the other. Even if you already have that part settled and know that you are going to spend eternity with Christ in heaven…. Don’t you want to live here on earth too? Really live, live like we are made to live. To honor Christ, to be filled with His Spirit.

I’m reading the book Unfinished by Richard Stearns. He is the president of World Vision. The tagline on the book says, “So you believe in God. Now What?” There is a ton of truth in this book but I (obviously) haven’t been keeping up with the blog here, so I have missed sharing it with you. So sorry!! I’m working on it!

Anyway, this book is a challenge to Christians to live out our faith. And not just store up our knowledge of the Bible and Jesus Christ in our heads, but to get out there and share it! Be the hands of feet of Christ in the world. Whether it be going to a poor country and helping feed the hungry, give medical treatment, sponsor a child each month, send money to these organizations, etc. You just need to DO something. God did not bless you with all of your wealth for you to spend it on yourself or your children. He blessed you so you can bless others. It’s not your money anyway, it’s His. He gave it to you, He can take it away from you.

Stearns gives the example of a Body builder (actually, this is his son Pete’s illustration). Body builders spend all their time building their muscles, eating tons of calories, working out like crazy, spending his time, energy, money… all just so he can strut around on the stage and flex his muscles and people can look at his body. He doesn’t really DO anything, he doesn’t even play a sport or work as a prison guard or fireman. He just shows off his muscles. Well, what about Spiritual Body Builders? Christians spend all this time going to church, reading their Bible, going to classes to learn more about the Bible.

Stearns says,” As a follower of Christ you can fall into the trap of believing that a deeper knowledge of Christ will automatically make you a better disciple of Christ. You can read scores of Christian books, attend conferences, and participate in various Bible studies to deepen and broaden your understanding. But head knowledge of theology no more makes you an effective disciple than knowing the rules of tennis turns you into Roger Federer or Serena Williams. It’s only when you take that head knowledge out onto the playing field and invest thousands of hours putting into practice what you have learned that you actually become more like the one you seek to imitate. ‘Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves,’ said James, the brother of Jesus. ‘Do what it says’ (James 1:22)” (p.80)

I love to learn, to read books, to read my Bible(s) and commentary. But if I am not sharing what I’ve learned, what’s the point? It’s just for me and myself. If God gave you the gift of knowledge or teaching, you need to be sharing it with others. With your children, with sisters and brothers in Christ, with your family and friends. Make it a point to share what God is showing you. This is how you give a testimony of your faith. This sharing is how you spread the Gospel. When others hear what God is doing in your life, they will want it, too.

You are ALIVE in the Holy Spirit! Live like it. Really live.

The picture is a group of us that went to Honduras last year on a medical mission trip. Meeting physical needs gives opportunity to meet spiritual needs and we were able to share Christ with and love on hundreds of people there. One of the interpreters in the picture gave his life to Christ that week.

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